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In this guide I explain how to open the display panel and replace the screen inverter board in HP Compaq 8510p and 8510w notebooks. The inverter board located inside the display panel beneath the screen. The inverter board works as a power supply for the LCD backlight lamp. When inverter fails, the LCD screen goes dark. The image is still on the screen but you can barely see it.
By the way, in the previous post I explained how to remove the laptop motherboard.
OK, let’s start taking this unit apart.
Open display HP Compaq 8510p 8510w
There are two rubber covers in the lower left and right corners of the screen bezel. You can remove these covers with a sharp object.

Remove screw cover
Remove two torx screws found under covers. You’ll have to use a T8 torx screwdriver.
Attention! If you are looking for a good, reliable and unkillable screwdrivers, buy Wiha. You will never ever regret. Wiha screwdrivers are THE BEST! I purchased my screwdrivers over 4 years ago and I use them every day. They are still like new. Before that I was changing screwdrivers two times a month.
Wiha torx T8
Insert a piece of soft plastic (I use a guitar pick) between the bezel and LCD screen and slowly move it from left to right to release plastic latches securing the bezel.
Separate LCD bezel
Continue removing the screen bezel with your fingers. Carefully separate bezel from the hinge cover.
Removing display bezel
In order to access and replace the inverter board it’s not necessary to remove the bezel. All you have to do is lift up the bottom part of the bezel. You can see the inverter board located under the screen.
Lift up display bezel
Separate the inverter board from the display cover and unplug cables on both side of the inverter.
Disconnect cables from inverter
The inverter board has been removed. Now you can replace it with a new one.
Replace LCD screen inverter board
According to the HP maintenance and service guide for HP Compaq 8510p and 8510w notebooks, there is only one inverter listed for these models. The part number is 452214-001. Google the part number and you’ll find it.


How to open display and replace inverter board in HP Compaq 8510p and 8510w notebook

By Ehijoshua (Jboss) → Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Do you know The Oldest Site in Internet?

Today, i am thinking how to create another Business in this World, i want to learn from someone who has many experience before.

I need learn from other success Story, and that will motivate myself.

And i got the interesting site, a blog that oldest, online since 24 Years ago, that say many thing about making money.

Yeah, 24 Years ago  ........ i am reading on that site, and i still learning to increase knowledge about making money online from him/her(i don't know exactly)

That site is is the first domain name ever registered on the Internet (March 15th, 1985).
This domain is used as the personal blog of Aron Meystedt, owner of and
And i learn the Honest Attitude, be Smart, know the Business Ethics, and many more (same like what i say in my place before!)

I found this tools,, maybe this site will useful for me ... let me finish my investigation guys, read their fails, and many more

Anyway, If we want success in our Online Business, let we starting to read and learn from other Success Story that already made before we start.

Learn from Other Success, take the positive energy and motivating our self, that will helping us when we find any problem in the Future.

Do you know The Oldest Site in Internet?

By Ehijoshua (Jboss) →

Do you know The Oldest Site in Internet?

Today, i am thinking how to create another Business in this World, i want to learn from someone who has many experience before.

I need learn from other success Story, and that will motivate myself.

And i got the interesting site, a blog that oldest, online since 24 Years ago, that say many thing about making money.

Yeah, 24 Years ago  ........ i am reading on that site, and i still learning to increase knowledge about making money online from him/her(i don't know exactly)

That site is is the first domain name ever registered on the Internet (March 15th, 1985).
This domain is used as the personal blog of Aron Meystedt, owner of and
And i learn the Honest Attitude, be Smart, know the Business Ethics, and many more (same like what i say in my place before!)

I found this tools,, maybe this site will useful for me ... let me finish my investigation guys, read their fails, and many more

Anyway, If we want success in our Online Business, let we starting to read and learn from other Success Story that already made before we start.

Learn from Other Success, take the positive energy and motivating our self, that will helping us when we find any problem in the Future.

Do you know The Oldest Site in Internet?

By Ehijoshua (Jboss) →

Scan Your Adware/Spyware/Malware Now For Free, PalmBux, NeoBux, IncraseBux, Free, Business, Huge, Payment Proof
Do you ever scan Adware or Spyware in your computer?

I want to introduce you with free program who can detect Adware/Spyware for free.

I am online more than 20 hours a day, sometime i download files for my job, surfing in Easyhits4u, and i think Antivirus is not quiet enough, so i try to use Ad-Aware Free 8.1.0.

And it take almost 3 hours to scan whole of my desktop PC(my hardisk only 250 GB), and i use my laptop for continue my work.

I found 3 program that detected by  Ad-Aware Free 8.1.0. and they remove it

You should try it and all is for free, you can download Ad-Aware Free 8.1.0. in here

Scan Your Adware/Spyware/Malware Now For Free

By Ehijoshua (Jboss) →

Scan Your Adware/Spyware/Malware Now For Free, PalmBux, NeoBux, IncraseBux, Free, Business, Huge, Payment Proof
Do you ever scan Adware or Spyware in your computer?

I want to introduce you with free program who can detect Adware/Spyware for free.

I am online more than 20 hours a day, sometime i download files for my job, surfing in Easyhits4u, and i think Antivirus is not quiet enough, so i try to use Ad-Aware Free 8.1.0.

And it take almost 3 hours to scan whole of my desktop PC(my hardisk only 250 GB), and i use my laptop for continue my work.

I found 3 program that detected by  Ad-Aware Free 8.1.0. and they remove it

You should try it and all is for free, you can download Ad-Aware Free 8.1.0. in here

Scan Your Adware/Spyware/Malware Now For Free

By Ehijoshua (Jboss) →

The Best Article Marketing Traffic Generation Tips

One best method for getting your current niche target audience on your site would be to target them within article marketing.

The Best Article Marketing Traffic Generation Tips
Article marketing can be a modern method to use your words to create traffic. Essentially you (or employed articles writers) might write about a subject directed at your website including a bio plus a hyperlink to your website. Article marketers will publish articles to article directories. When somebody uses Google, Yahoo or other search engine, usually these posts will appear and they will click them.

This means that only those excited about the material within the articles are reading the content. They also are more interested to click through to your link plus continues to read, when you write plus target the articles correctly.

Article marketing, when properly exercised will multiple the traffic in just a few days!
  • Create something really worth reading - maybe you have not browsed with the net recently, sadly there's a lot of garbage around. Much people try to work with article marketing and just write about anything and everything. A bad idea. Publish something exciting, write something informative and also worth reading.
  • Don’t advertise, inform - the primary factor within your article is to lead your current prospects to your site, but you should do this by showing that you really understand what you're sharing and also have something informative to imply. Nobody wants being caught in an article-advertising trap. We have sufficient promotions on radio and television.
  • Work with keywords - keywords are phrases that could make your article recognized at search engines. Try to make your keywords specific and employ these around 2-5% inside each article. Any further than this and your article might start to sound as an advertisement, or you might be, banned.
  • Don’t re-write - it’s tempting simply to input the keyword plus rewrite related content. Don’t try this. First, it’s illegitimate. Second, you aren't delivering your current prospects using something new, and so, your site is not much help for them.
  • Watch out for black listing - article marketing directories are comfortable with the effectiveness of keywording and that's the reason why they have systems so marketers will not be simply submitting them. Using so many keywords then you might get banned with the article directory plus your articles definitely not accepted. This can be a complete plus total waste so stick to the rules from the directory and don’t attempt any sneaky things!
  • Stay away from jargon - when you're writing an article of a fresh medical breakthrough, next it could make sense to apply medical terms plus diction which any regular Joe might say is written in Greek. Not recommended; even though you wish to attract a certain group, regular Joes would be looking at the material too. Sure, you need to sound smart, however , you like to be understood.
  • Look to help - many people can write, but only a few may write well. And, within the article marketing business, you should keep your articles are created perfectly. When they are not, you may kiss your success with article marketing goodbye. A variety of SEO, content writing plus online marketing corporations around which have the qualifications and also experience to make the difference in the internet
  • Don’t keep the link for last - the URL is the clincher- it’s what makes the prospect truly click on your website. It's the traffic generator. So, URL positioning is important. Understand the rules of the article directory to discover the quantity of links permitted and, if permitted, put the URL through the article, not only at the end. Some people won't make it to the end of the article, especially when the content is less-than-thrilling. So get them all before they will disappear.
  • Show that you are an expert - you have to prove it together with your words and your bio line. Once the article, you'll probably have an opportunity to describe ‘about the author.’ Illustrate your knowledge by giving background information. 
  • Use real-life situations - create you're writing relatable. Consider like your target audience when creating your articles and you'll have an improved chance convincing these always to click to your website. 
  • Be unique - Create something which has never been said before, make a different way to an old concept, get people to read to the end. And this creates traffic. 
  • Start using a sociable voice - make friends with the audience reading the articles by speaking like them. Conversational language will be okay in certain situations, if you aren't offending anyone. 
  • Pick perspective carefully - to connect with your visitors, it’s better to use first person point of view. When you are offering advice, second person perspective is usually a wise choice. Third person perspective can be a little too impersonal plus academic; but it certain content, this really works good. 
  • Socialize using bold subheading - most people will simply skim by using an article seeking the most crucial elements. So supply them with what they need by bolding the important parts and bolded subheadings to separate the content.
  • Get them to be laugh - studying something that is funny on the internet can be a welcoming alter. When you can add humor in your articles, do it! This can be one best way to get respect within your audience plus convinces the prospect to click on for your website.
  • Select the title wisely - it’s all in the title. You should be sure your own title uses the keywords you've chosen which is specific enough being found by search engines. For example: “Carpet Cleaners” isn't a good quality title although your site is about carpet cleaners. As an alternative try “The Top Five Reasons to Use Carpet Cleaners” which provides your post an angle plus an interesting spin. 
  • Put an image, if you can - if you possibly can put a picture in your post then do so. Even so, usually this isn't really permitted. Ensure the image relates to the content details.
  • Expose the power of lists plus bullets - numbered lists and bullet lists will be an immediate eye-catching instrument. As stated before, many people only will scan the content for helpful material. That generally comes as bulleted plus numbered lists. They could attract visitors plus create your articles much better to read and so more interesting. 
  • Always proofread - there's nothing evens worse than examining an article which has grammatical and also spelling errors, unless, of course, you're the one writing it. 
  • Mix increase paragraph sizes - long and short paragraphs pick up reader’s interest. Nobody wants to check down an article and find out five perfectly shaped paragraphs - talk about boring! 
  • Shine through - allow your own voice plus your character shines through the pages. Speak as you are talking. Be funny, be creative and stay witty. Allow that to voice out plus insert all it over all pages of the content. 
  • Avoid swear words - don’t try being cool. Don’t act as pretentious. Don’t try to be bold. Swear words seem just like silly on the screen whiles they sound coming out of people's mouth. 
  • Find the angles - there are plenty of various angles you could take while writing articles. While some decide to write informative suggestions, other people are going to create something controversial really to obtain the readers going. Either can be employed in your advantage. There are many more article angels to use. Modify these to match your site needs. 
  • Stay up to date - the most important matters to keep in mind relating to articles is that it's all relative around the date and year.
  • Use ‘Benefits of’, ‘Pros and Cons’ and various article marketing gold mines - there are many wonderful article suggestions beside just “top lists.” You can even list the advantages of a product, the pluses and minuses to a specific person, place or thing, with a list of the biggest “no’s” in this industry. Most of these will be simple for readers to follow and set up within an informative way.
  • Use ‘Top Ten’ Article Lists - “Top” lists are ideal for content because reader understands what exactly they're gaining. Top Trendiest Baby Celebs, Top 100 Greatest Songs Ever - most of these may reel within the reader and make them need to know more.

The Best Article Marketing Traffic Generation Tips

By Ehijoshua (Jboss) →

The Best Article Marketing Traffic Generation Tips

One best method for getting your current niche target audience on your site would be to target them within article marketing.

The Best Article Marketing Traffic Generation Tips
Article marketing can be a modern method to use your words to create traffic. Essentially you (or employed articles writers) might write about a subject directed at your website including a bio plus a hyperlink to your website. Article marketers will publish articles to article directories. When somebody uses Google, Yahoo or other search engine, usually these posts will appear and they will click them.

This means that only those excited about the material within the articles are reading the content. They also are more interested to click through to your link plus continues to read, when you write plus target the articles correctly.

Article marketing, when properly exercised will multiple the traffic in just a few days!
  • Create something really worth reading - maybe you have not browsed with the net recently, sadly there's a lot of garbage around. Much people try to work with article marketing and just write about anything and everything. A bad idea. Publish something exciting, write something informative and also worth reading.
  • Don’t advertise, inform - the primary factor within your article is to lead your current prospects to your site, but you should do this by showing that you really understand what you're sharing and also have something informative to imply. Nobody wants being caught in an article-advertising trap. We have sufficient promotions on radio and television.
  • Work with keywords - keywords are phrases that could make your article recognized at search engines. Try to make your keywords specific and employ these around 2-5% inside each article. Any further than this and your article might start to sound as an advertisement, or you might be, banned.
  • Don’t re-write - it’s tempting simply to input the keyword plus rewrite related content. Don’t try this. First, it’s illegitimate. Second, you aren't delivering your current prospects using something new, and so, your site is not much help for them.
  • Watch out for black listing - article marketing directories are comfortable with the effectiveness of keywording and that's the reason why they have systems so marketers will not be simply submitting them. Using so many keywords then you might get banned with the article directory plus your articles definitely not accepted. This can be a complete plus total waste so stick to the rules from the directory and don’t attempt any sneaky things!
  • Stay away from jargon - when you're writing an article of a fresh medical breakthrough, next it could make sense to apply medical terms plus diction which any regular Joe might say is written in Greek. Not recommended; even though you wish to attract a certain group, regular Joes would be looking at the material too. Sure, you need to sound smart, however , you like to be understood.
  • Look to help - many people can write, but only a few may write well. And, within the article marketing business, you should keep your articles are created perfectly. When they are not, you may kiss your success with article marketing goodbye. A variety of SEO, content writing plus online marketing corporations around which have the qualifications and also experience to make the difference in the internet
  • Don’t keep the link for last - the URL is the clincher- it’s what makes the prospect truly click on your website. It's the traffic generator. So, URL positioning is important. Understand the rules of the article directory to discover the quantity of links permitted and, if permitted, put the URL through the article, not only at the end. Some people won't make it to the end of the article, especially when the content is less-than-thrilling. So get them all before they will disappear.
  • Show that you are an expert - you have to prove it together with your words and your bio line. Once the article, you'll probably have an opportunity to describe ‘about the author.’ Illustrate your knowledge by giving background information. 
  • Use real-life situations - create you're writing relatable. Consider like your target audience when creating your articles and you'll have an improved chance convincing these always to click to your website. 
  • Be unique - Create something which has never been said before, make a different way to an old concept, get people to read to the end. And this creates traffic. 
  • Start using a sociable voice - make friends with the audience reading the articles by speaking like them. Conversational language will be okay in certain situations, if you aren't offending anyone. 
  • Pick perspective carefully - to connect with your visitors, it’s better to use first person point of view. When you are offering advice, second person perspective is usually a wise choice. Third person perspective can be a little too impersonal plus academic; but it certain content, this really works good. 
  • Socialize using bold subheading - most people will simply skim by using an article seeking the most crucial elements. So supply them with what they need by bolding the important parts and bolded subheadings to separate the content.
  • Get them to be laugh - studying something that is funny on the internet can be a welcoming alter. When you can add humor in your articles, do it! This can be one best way to get respect within your audience plus convinces the prospect to click on for your website.
  • Select the title wisely - it’s all in the title. You should be sure your own title uses the keywords you've chosen which is specific enough being found by search engines. For example: “Carpet Cleaners” isn't a good quality title although your site is about carpet cleaners. As an alternative try “The Top Five Reasons to Use Carpet Cleaners” which provides your post an angle plus an interesting spin. 
  • Put an image, if you can - if you possibly can put a picture in your post then do so. Even so, usually this isn't really permitted. Ensure the image relates to the content details.
  • Expose the power of lists plus bullets - numbered lists and bullet lists will be an immediate eye-catching instrument. As stated before, many people only will scan the content for helpful material. That generally comes as bulleted plus numbered lists. They could attract visitors plus create your articles much better to read and so more interesting. 
  • Always proofread - there's nothing evens worse than examining an article which has grammatical and also spelling errors, unless, of course, you're the one writing it. 
  • Mix increase paragraph sizes - long and short paragraphs pick up reader’s interest. Nobody wants to check down an article and find out five perfectly shaped paragraphs - talk about boring! 
  • Shine through - allow your own voice plus your character shines through the pages. Speak as you are talking. Be funny, be creative and stay witty. Allow that to voice out plus insert all it over all pages of the content. 
  • Avoid swear words - don’t try being cool. Don’t act as pretentious. Don’t try to be bold. Swear words seem just like silly on the screen whiles they sound coming out of people's mouth. 
  • Find the angles - there are plenty of various angles you could take while writing articles. While some decide to write informative suggestions, other people are going to create something controversial really to obtain the readers going. Either can be employed in your advantage. There are many more article angels to use. Modify these to match your site needs. 
  • Stay up to date - the most important matters to keep in mind relating to articles is that it's all relative around the date and year.
  • Use ‘Benefits of’, ‘Pros and Cons’ and various article marketing gold mines - there are many wonderful article suggestions beside just “top lists.” You can even list the advantages of a product, the pluses and minuses to a specific person, place or thing, with a list of the biggest “no’s” in this industry. Most of these will be simple for readers to follow and set up within an informative way.
  • Use ‘Top Ten’ Article Lists - “Top” lists are ideal for content because reader understands what exactly they're gaining. Top Trendiest Baby Celebs, Top 100 Greatest Songs Ever - most of these may reel within the reader and make them need to know more.

The Best Article Marketing Traffic Generation Tips

By Ehijoshua (Jboss) →

…Burna Boy to perform at Result Show
The first contestant to be evicted from the X Factor singing reality TV show will be known on Friday when the Result Show will be broadcast.
Sponsors of the show and national operator, Globacom, said the contestant who scored the least votes among the Top 9 during the first voting process from 8 p.m. on Saturday to 8 p.m. on Monday would be sent home.

SmoothBoiz performing
SmoothBoiz performing
Ankara Boi (left) and Pheel
Ankara Boi (left) and Pheel
Vicky and DJ Switch with Symphony
Vicky and DJ Switch with Symphony
The Top 9 acts competing for the ultimate prize of N24 million and a recording contract with Sony Music are Eshum and Symphony from Ghana and Nigeria’s Ankara Boi, Pheel, Princess Pat, DJ Switch, Vicky, DNA Twins and SmoothBoiz. Meanwhile, Burna Boy, fast-rising music act and Glo ambassador, is scheduled to perform at the Result Show. The dancehall star is currently making waves in the music industry most especially for his hit singles such as “Like To party” and “Tonight.
The public can find out who the first evictee will be as well as watch Burna Boy’s performance on the X Factor show on the following television channels on Friday: AIT (7.30 p.m.), STV (8.30 p.m.), V Channel (7.00 p.m.), Sound City (8.30 p.m.) and AMC (7.00 p.m) and on Saturday at 5.30 p.m. on NTA and WAP TV, at 6.00 p.m. on ONTV and Real Stars and at 6.30 p.m. on TV Continental and Kennis Music.
After the eviction, the remaining eight contestants will perform for public votes and viewers can watch the performance at 7.00 p.m. on Saturday on AIT and Soundcity and on STV, AMC and V Channel at 8.00 p.m. The performance show is also broadcast on Sundays on NTA at 5.00 p.m., WAP TV at 6.00 p.m., ONTV and Real TV at 7.00 p.m. as well as on TVC at 8.30 p.m. and Kennis Music at 9.30 p.m.
Members of the public can vote for their favourite contestant by sending the contestant’s voting number via SMS to “33680” from Nigeria and “1739” from Ghana.
The contestants’ voting numbers are Eshum “501”, Ankara Boi “502”, Vicky “503”, DJ Switch “504”, Pheel “505” and Princess Pat “506”. Others are the DNA Twins “507”, Symphony “508” and SmoothBoiz “509”.
Each week, the voting lines open at 8.00 p.m. on Saturday and close at 8.00 p.m. on Monday.
Voters also stand a chance to win fantastic prizes including Glo Bolt internet modems, Samsung Galaxy tabs, Blackberry phones and Glo recharge cards.

First evictee on Glo X Factor leaves Friday

By Ehijoshua (Jboss) →

Simple Ways for Starting Up Online Business|Money Online with Deddy Irawan
Are you currently planning on starting up an Online Business?
If you do I have listed several methods that will bring you to the perfect way.

Starting up an online business might be excellent way to build a living for you.

As soon as you start to begin earning money online you might for no reason desire to return what ever what you are doing today. However never assume being successful arrive around night, managing an online business will take similar level of perform as some other business.

When you implement yourself each day you might soon get build an effective online business.

1. Choose a profitable niche market - Getting a profitable niche market is really important. You need convinced everyone is enthusiastic about what you should provide. Many people never carry out the analysis and end up curious about the reason nobody is purchasing what they have to offer. As soon as you get a niche market you may earn income in you might be good on your own way.

2. Build a business strategy - Although you are attempting to begin an online business is not to mean you no longer need a business strategy. Your online business program must contain precisely what the goal of your online business is plus the way you want to help make your small business expand.

3. Choose the method that you may manage your technical tasks of managing an online business - Managing a business online needs you or maybe another person you already know to take care of that technical portions of an online business. When you are not really a technical person next you should employ a person to take care of that technical areas for you. Most of the technical tasks of operating an online business will be setting up a website, controlling your site hosting, plus starting domains.

4. Make a decision on The way you Manage The Consumer’s Payment - When you are promoting affiliate products then this won't be a problem for you because the affiliate application will certainly handle payment to you. In case you are promoting your personal product or service then you should create your personal payment model.

5. Make a Marketing and advertising Strategy - How do you want obtain new clients to your online business? This is how your marketing strategy will come in play. The marketing program is essential to be able to create your online business work. With no marketing strategy your online business will never move at any place.

Starting up an internet business is definitely an excellent way to turn into financially impartial and starting up an online business will require work even so the benefits will be more than worth it.

Simple Ways for Starting Up Online Business

By Ehijoshua (Jboss) →

Simple Ways for Starting Up Online Business|Money Online with Deddy Irawan
Are you currently planning on starting up an Online Business?
If you do I have listed several methods that will bring you to the perfect way.

Starting up an online business might be excellent way to build a living for you.

As soon as you start to begin earning money online you might for no reason desire to return what ever what you are doing today. However never assume being successful arrive around night, managing an online business will take similar level of perform as some other business.

When you implement yourself each day you might soon get build an effective online business.

1. Choose a profitable niche market - Getting a profitable niche market is really important. You need convinced everyone is enthusiastic about what you should provide. Many people never carry out the analysis and end up curious about the reason nobody is purchasing what they have to offer. As soon as you get a niche market you may earn income in you might be good on your own way.

2. Build a business strategy - Although you are attempting to begin an online business is not to mean you no longer need a business strategy. Your online business program must contain precisely what the goal of your online business is plus the way you want to help make your small business expand.

3. Choose the method that you may manage your technical tasks of managing an online business - Managing a business online needs you or maybe another person you already know to take care of that technical portions of an online business. When you are not really a technical person next you should employ a person to take care of that technical areas for you. Most of the technical tasks of operating an online business will be setting up a website, controlling your site hosting, plus starting domains.

4. Make a decision on The way you Manage The Consumer’s Payment - When you are promoting affiliate products then this won't be a problem for you because the affiliate application will certainly handle payment to you. In case you are promoting your personal product or service then you should create your personal payment model.

5. Make a Marketing and advertising Strategy - How do you want obtain new clients to your online business? This is how your marketing strategy will come in play. The marketing program is essential to be able to create your online business work. With no marketing strategy your online business will never move at any place.

Starting up an internet business is definitely an excellent way to turn into financially impartial and starting up an online business will require work even so the benefits will be more than worth it.

Simple Ways for Starting Up Online Business

By Ehijoshua (Jboss) →

AS part of programmes lined up to mark its 10th anniversary on August 29, national telecoms operator, Globacom has launched a new N500 million promo aimed at rewarding its subscribers for their support and loyalty to the network over the years.

  Launched under the name, Glo “Recharge to Stardom”, the promo offers loyal subscribers on the Glo network the opportunity to celebrate with Glo as they stand the chance of winning various prizes ranging from N10, 000 up to the grand prize of N25 million during the promo, which will last for 100 days.
  Speaking at the launch of the promo at Glo’s corporate headquarters in Lagos on recently, Globacom’s National Sales Coordinator (Channels), Kemi Kaka said prepaid and post-paid Glo subscribers who recharge with N200 and above during the promo period stand a chance of winning any of the fantastic prizes. He said about 25, 071 winners would emerge during the promo.
 “The grand prize of N25 million will be won by a customer at the end of the promo. Two lucky winners will cart home N5 million every 10 days while five winners of N1 million each will emerge every 10 days. In addition, 50 lucky winners will take home N25, 000 daily while 200 customers will win N10, 000 every day. This means that winners will emerge every day till the end of the promo,” he said.
He reiterated that customers need to recharge with a minimum of N200 only during the promo period to stand a chance of winning any of the prizes. 

Glo Launches N500M 'Recharge to Stardom' Promo

By Ehijoshua (Jboss) →